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Win Greenfield (1940-1945) - because no one was ever allowed to call her Winifred!


Heidi Hack writes:





















Win was born in 1929, but weighed only 2½ lbs - and this was in the days before incubators, so she earned her reputation as a fighter, very early on.  Aged 10, in 1939, she was given the name ‘Spitfire’ and proved throughout her life that this was a good evaluation of her strength of character.  She was also a member of Colchester Rifle Club. 


She was a history buff with a keen interest in archaeology and architecture.  She also showed this keen interest wherever we were going on holiday, and shared her knowledge of various places, and her stories of Iceland sparked our own interest in the country.  She was delighted to have pictures of places people had visited, so that she could vicariously revisit Iceland.  Even as the armchair traveller that she had to become in recent years, she retained a curiosity, and desire to learn, that was truly inspirational.


She also loved gardening and grew fruit and vegetables for her sister, Heather, and herself  until the end.  They had a fig tree and also a vine, from which Heather used to make wine.   Win was interested in anything that grew!


Theatre was equally important to Win, both as an audience member and backstage.  She was an accomplished seamstress and was wardrobe mistress for the Colchester Theatre group for many years, where the devil was very definitely in the detail.  If the era of the play did not have zips, then they were very much not allowed in the costumes, regardless of how many buttons that might mean she had to sew on!


She had great strength, forthrightness and humour.  A good Scottish friend of hers once remarked “if you didnae agree wi’ her you must be wrong!”  In her own words she certainly “did things her way” or, more memorably, “I’m older, so I’m right”.    She passed on to everyone her lifelong love of learning, her humour, and her fighting spirit.




Joyce Munson (Harrison, 1947-1952) - obituary, Spring, 2019


Isabel Wallace (Prior) writes (from Australia):


I worked with Joyce at the Colchester Lathe company, until I got married, in 1957. I remember when she went away for computer training. The computer was a small room, with wall-to-wall electronic devices, baffling all of us, including upper management, but totally understood by Joyce. I also remember her as the most accurate goal shooter I’d ever seen, in my netball experience. She could score from anywhere, and so effortlessly.


Sad that another of my CCHS friends has gone.



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