Daphne Jones (Drabble, 1958-65)
I remember Miss Roper. She was retired when I started CCHS, in September 1958, but retained frequent contact with the school. She was a friend of Miss Overy, who was my form mistress in the first year (Lower IV L). It was through Miss Overy that Miss Roper invited us to take a picnic tea to eat in her garden at King Coel's Kitchen. I think I went to this gathering for two summers (1959 and 1960). King Coel's Kitchen was, as I remember quite large, and had a wild area with a deep dip, with a disused tennis court at the bottom. We took our packed meals and ate them in the sunshine at the lawn area, surrounded by flower beds. Afterwards we were invited to wander round the garden and make a note of all the flowers we could name or describe. Then we met on the lawn again and compared our lists of flowers.
Miss Roper also joined us on some of our school trips. On one occasion we went in a bus, which started and finished at the bus park in the town centre, not from the school. (I can't remember where it was going.) Going home, Miss Roper kindly offered to give a lift to three or four of us, and drop us off on her way back to Lexden. She bumped a couple of cars on backing her car out of the parking space. She didn't seem at all bothered, and didn't stop to check on any damage!