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PRESENT - 26 members




Marsyl Knott, Jane Powell, Sylvia…, Jenny Gretton, Hazel Parsons, Diane Crouch, Josephine Pettican




These had previously been distributed to members, were approved by those present and signed by the Chair, Liz White.






It seems a lot longer than a year since our last AGM, a really memorable occasion as we were lucky enough to be able to hold it at Grey Friars, just before it opened as a hotel. The wonderful and much missed Operations Director, Nadir Suleman, and I stood in the doorway of the erstwhile hall, now the hotel dining room, watching the reactions of Old Girls as they entered. There were tears, cries of joy, gasps of wonderment and delight and lots and lots of beaming smiles. The, dare I say, older Old Girls were home!


The AGM was the shortest we have ever had, I think, as the hotel staff was standing by to give eagerly awaited guided tours of the building and afternoon tea, on the house, was ready. Nadir had intended to give us a full Grey Friars afternoon tea, which is delightful, but our numbers rose and rose, so he suggested afternoon canapés instead! Gorgeous! It was a truly special occasion and our thanks go to Nadir, his staff and to Jemma Mitchell, who is one of the Directors of the company that owns Grey Friars. They did us proud! I am often at Grey Friars as I use it a lot for meetings and I am really pleased to report that I rarely go there without seeing at least one Old Girl!


We have, during the year, had other social events, too. We met for afternoon tea at Liz White’s on a lovely sunny afternoon in the late summer. Liz’s garden parties are always a delight and we thank her, her husband, Alan and Di Childs, for all their efforts. Liz’s home was also the venue for a coffee morning earlier this year. This was a particularly well attended event as it followed, immediately, the unveiling of the Ruth King Close street sign.


Ruth King Close is off Park Road and is a new road built on the Altnacealgagh estate, once the Education Offices. Colchester Civic Society, slightly troubled by the unimaginative street names now rife in the town, decided to offer assistance to the Council who are tasked with approving the names of new roads. Their offer was accepted. By chance, what is now Ruth King Close was the first road they had to approve. It had been suggested that Scholar Close would be a suitable name but the Civic Society Street Names sub committee had other ideas. I was approached with the suggestion of Ruth King Close. ‘Would the OGA like that, do you think?’ Of course they would! Heavy negotiations ensued and eventually the developers, etc, agreed. The street sign was unveiled by the Mayor, Theresa Higgins, and current students from the school (from Year 7 and the Sixth Form). It was another splendid occasion attended by the developers, residents, students and staff from CCHS, Civic Society members and, of course, Old Girls. I wonder what Miss King would have thought?!


Other events included a very pleasant lunch at the Siege House and a Chinese meal at the Bamboo House in Military Road, both organised by Jean Johnson and both very successful. Thanks, Jean! I think we might be returning to both venues in the future.


Despite various medical catastrophes, your slightly depleted committee has soldiered on – cue the ahhs and the well dones, please. We have met several times, often at the home of President, Marsyl Knott, who, since her stroke, can’t get out much. It has been good to see how much her health has improved during the year. Thanks are due to her husband, Roderic, who is a great host. Meetings are, as always, huge fun as we just laugh and laugh! But we do get things done too, promise! Out thanks go to Liz for chairing meetings (when Marsyl doesn’t), catering, editing the Newsletter, liaising with the School, etc, etc, etc! What would we do without her! We also thank Jean for her Treasurership and for dealing with our programme of events. Mary Rickard is responsible for website matters, something of a challenge, for the School Leaving Award and, joy of joys, for very good Minutes and we thank her too. Tina Powell tries to keep tabs on membership. Will people tell her about changes to both home and email addresses, please? Thanks, Tina! And finally, there is Charlotte Anderson, who, despite being unable to attend meetings as she lives and works so far away, is invaluable as a young Old Girl. Thank goodness for technology as Charlotte is able to convey her immediate reactions when we need her advice!


We were delighted to receive a legacy from Music teacher Bessie Taylor, who sadly died a few months ago. We agreed that this would be used to replenish the School Leaving Award Fund, which is looking a tad low. Liz, as usual, attended the Leavers’ Assembly at the School and presented two leaving girls with awards. She was very moved by the words of one of the girls who came and thanked her personally for the short talk she had given. It is good to be appreciated in such a way.


Two issues of the OGA Newsletter were produced during the year. It is quite difficult to create a Newsletter that will appeal to everyone, young and old. The young love news of the School, which appeals less to the older Old Girls who prefer memories, particularly of Grey Friars! Liz manages both, but is always on the lookout for copy! If anyone spots anything of interest, hears new of Old Girls, is prepared to write an article, please get in touch. Thanks to the School Reprographics Department for printing the Newsletters we still send by post.


And can we appeal to the Old Girls for something else please? Now that he head Teachers’ board can be progressed after unavoidable hiccups, we have realised that we don’t know what letters each Head had after their names. Research has, so far, thrown up surprisingly little information. We COULD ignore these details, in fact, we might have to, but it seems such a shame. Does anyone have any information, please?

Finally, we would like to say how proud we are to be past students of such an extraordinary School. The achievements of students continue to amaze and we can bask in reflected glory!




The matter of the qualifications of past head teachers was discussed further. Suggested sources of information included the Education Committee minutes, believed to be held at Essex County Council offices; the Essex County Standard or The Telegraph (appointments section); possible recollections of the colour of the hoods of gowns (if worn); Andrew Philips’ private collection. The pooled knowledge from the various members present recalled the following:


Miss Vashon Baker – Oxford, MA

Miss Hasler – Oxford (Lady Margaret Hall), MA

Miss King – MA Cantab (recalled from memories of the front door of Grey Friars!)




There are copies of the accounts on various tables. Once again, although I have managed to organise a few events this year, the accounts are very short.


We are grateful to Liz for letting us use her home and garden for the Garden Party last August and for the Coffee Morning, following the opening of Ruth King Close, in March. You will see that by not having to hire a venue we were able to make a profit of nearly £100 on the two events (Garden Party £60; £36.23 Coffee Morning). With regard to the lunch at the Siege House in October, we don’t aim to make a profit on such occasions and if the restaurant is willing to only charge us for the members who dine on the day then I always try to either refund or part refund if someone suddenly finds they are unable to attend.


As usual the insurance for the Association at £220 is our largest expenditure. This was only a slight increase on last year’s premium and bearing in mind that previously we have been charged over £270 I thought I would accept this amount this year. However, I do routinely query the price and usually get a reduction on the premium originally requested.


As Jo mentioned we had a bequest from the late Bessie Taylor. It was easier to request that it was paid into the OGA account before transferring it to the School Leaving Fund. Then the School Leaving Fund paid us back the £100 we had lent them in the previous year, when for a short while we did not have a signatory for the Fund.


Postage is very low this year for two reasons. Firstly we had a large stock of stamps and secondly it is really helpful to have so many people receiving their communications by email. So thank you all you modern Old Girls! We are now paying the School for our photocopying. If there are any questions about the accounts I’ll be happy to answer them.


I should just mention that when we met for the Chinese Lunch on 1st July (so will appear in next year’s accounts), Bamboo House kindly offered members a 10% discount on future meals. I have cards available if anyone wants to take advantage of this.




Jean Johnson advised that the interest on the accounts was as good as possible, given the current financial climate.






The existing committee confirmed that they would be willing to stand again this year. Liz White asked if there were any new nominations or volunteers: Louise Armstrong (nee Lange) put herself forward. The committee were overwhelmingly agreed by a show of hands as:


Marsyl Knott Elizabeth White Josephine Edwards Jean Johnson

Tina Powell Mary Rickard Charlotte Anderson Louise Armstrong


Additional volunteers, especially younger members, will still be welcome. Please contact any existing committee members if you are interested.




1.The issue of residual funds in the Association’s bank accounts was raised again, and a suggestion made that this could be used to increase the School Leaving Award, or to fund a project which would benefit the current girls. Jean Johnson pointed out that there are regular commitments to be funded from the total held. Jo Edwards reminded everyone that the matter had been discussed at length last year and that the consensus had been not to use our limited resources in this way.


2. It was suggested that the Association could reinstate a membership fee for all members, regardless of how they receive their correspondence during the year. Jo Edwards explained that, in consultation with the School (and the Grammar School), this had been discussed and rejected a few years ago. This is because it was agreed that it would be advantageous to combine the School’s more recent list of Old Girls with that of the Association. This has the benefit of simplifying communications and enabling the School to contact successful and influential Old Girls to inspire current students, or for networking purposes. Since the School do not charge for membership it had been agreed that it was sensible for us to do the same.


3.The members agreed that improving our on-line presence would possibly assist in increasing active membership, especially with younger Old Girls and, possibly, increase funds. No one present knew how many people accessed our webpage and it was thought that we do not have the ability to retrieve this kind of information at the moment. Jean was of the opinion that the Association was set up for friendship, social contact and to re-live memories of school days, not for fundraising purposes. There are always opportunities to make donations at meetings or events. Liz White reminded everyone that our constitution does not state that we will fundraise. The members present agreed that keeping contact with Old Girls was our most important function and that they were happy for the Association to continue as at present.

3. There was a request for Old Girls to be provided with a list of School events for current students, so that they could also attend. Liz White advised that such events are now publicised on the School’s website but that the School could be asked to provide details to the Association.




Mary Rickard confirmed that, as of today, there is £1,122.02 in the fund (today’s donation will appear in the statement for next year). This year’s School Leaving Award was shared jointly between Alice Insull and Natasha Baker Wells. Congratulations to them both!


DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING - To be decided and confirmed.


Signed by (Chair): Dated:


A collection for the School Leaving Fund was held at the end of the meeting and a very generous £71.50 received. There then followed a delicious lunch and our thanks go to Liz White and Di Childs for all of their hard work in preparing this.


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