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Betty McCrea (Bird) - 1943-48  20 January, 1932 to 20 March, 2017


Betty started at CCHS in 1943 when there was a big intake of girls from all over Colchester and the local area who had passed their 11+ (or scholarship!). A bright, clever student she left school in 1948 to work in the PO Telephone Office but kept up with the friendships she had made at CCHS for the rest of her life. She married Neville McCrea, moved to Clacton and had two sons. Neville died in June 2016 and Betty was so saddened she moved into a care home for respite. This did not work out and eventually she moved into a Clacton care home where she died suddenly on 20th March this year. The last happy occasion that she joined us for was the OGA Summer Garden Party at ‘Weavers’, Liz White’s home, where she was with her CCHS form-mates and friends once again. Ruth Greenwold (Motum 1941-48)


Joan May Folkard (1942-47?) Born 16th December 1931, sadly died 31st December 2016. Wife of John and Mother of Keith, John and Adrian.



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