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News of Old Girls


Elizabeth Bevan (1991-1998)




It was reported in Colchester Gazette that Elizabeth Bevan has become the chair of governors at St Mary’s School, Lexden Road, Colchester.  She was a pupil there before she came to CCHS.  After achieving a degree in Business Administration, at the University of Wales, she embarked on a career in corporate finance, in London, qualifying as a chartered accountant, in 2004.


She is on a career break since starting a family, in 2014, and now has three young children.

The staff photograph printed in the Spring 2019 Newsletter created great interest and comment.  To ease matters it is printed again together with the (now amended) staff list.


Susan Kerr (1939-1953)


I was very pleased to see the photograph of CCHS staff in the last newsletter.  My aunt, Mary Harvey, (front row extreme right) was school secretary for many years.  Unfortunately she had to retire early due to ill health.  I donated memorabilia of her to the school archive some years ago. 


Many of the teachers were at the school when I was a pupil.  Mr Stachnik taught general science in my day in a laboratory at Grey Friars.  He was a real “gentleman” and I enjoyed his lessons!  Miss Overy taught me English at Grey Friars.  I think she was also my form mistress in the room opposite the staff room, facing on to East Hill.  I recognise at least 10 or 11 other familiar faces in the photo even if they did not actually teach me.  Unlike some pupils mentioned in the newsletter regarding a year reunion - I was very happy, both at Grey Friars and North Hill.  Perhaps the pressure was not so great on pupils in those far off days!


Staff of Colchester County High School for Girls, c1958


Back Row L to R: Miss Parker (Art), Miss Mather (PE), Miss Frankham (RE), Mrs Mollie Brown (Art),Miss Hunt, Anita Loosemoor or Mrs Margrave (Chemistry), Miss Russell (Head of History), Miss Addison (English).

Middle Row L to R:  Miss Graham (French), Mrs Douglas (Scripture and French) or Mrs Hale, Mrs Lorrimer (French), Mrs Rodwell (Biology),Mrs Cunningham (Art), Mrs Pipe (Games), Mrs Jo Bailey later Crawshaw (Geography), Miss Floyd Stephens (German), Miss Betty Nicholls (French), Miss Grigg (Music), Miss Jean Nunn (Biology), Miss Nora Pannell (Science), Mr Stachnik (Chemistry).

Front Row L to R:  Miss Overy (English), Miss Mary Mann (English and Maths), Miss Easton (Dom Science), Miss M E Phillips (Maths and Deputy Head), Miss Steabben (Maths), Miss K Vashon Baker (Scripture and Headmistress), Mrs Casey (English), Miss Hodgkiss(Maths), Miss Flatman (Latin), Mrs Delaney (Geography), Miss Harvey (School Secretary).



Jennifer Dines (1949-1957)


I’ve been poring over the staff photograph in the last newsletter.  I’m pretty sure that the person in the back row, third from left, is Miss Frankham.  In the front row, 5th from left, the spelling should be ‘Steabben.’   I’m not sure that Miss Phillips (4th from left) was deputy head then. When I left, in July 1957, it was Miss Steabben (and NB she’s sitting next to Miss Vashon Baker). But maybe the roles changed after that.  Miss Bayliss is missing because she left, in July 1957 (see the School Magazine for 1956-57, p.3). She was given towels as a leaving present from the school (my diary for July 23rd 1957 records going with Jennifer Marsh to buy them in Bakers!)


I’m wondering about the date.  Could the photo have been taken at North Hill, in September, 1957, before the move to Norman Way, in December?  The trees are still in leaf, so it couldn’t have been later than that.  Or perhaps it was taken in Norman Way, some time in 1958, as suggested – the first staff grouping in the new school.  Does anyone recognise the setting?  Do the trees in the background belong to North Hill, or Norman Way?


A precious photo anyway, and both cheering and poignant to see so many well-remembered faces.


A quick update on my news.  I haven’t managed to get to the last few AGMs and don’t think I can make it to this year’s either, which I much regret.  I did get to a ‘reunion’ organised by Elspeth Griffin (,James) last October, in Beth Chatto’s Garden, and that, as always, was a very happy occasion.  I’ve been living in Cambridge for the last 18 years, though I have to move around a lot, as I am in charge of the sisters of my religious order (the Congregation of Our Lady) in GB. This involves a great deal of both administrative and pastoral work.  I’m also the link person with the rest of our international communities.  It doesn’t leave much time for academic research (or anything else!), though I still manage to publish the occasional article. and am working on a hopelessly overdue book, with a colleague in Strasbourg!  No time to get bored, that’s for sure.


And memories of and contacts with CCHS remain as vivid and precious as ever.



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