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News of Old Girls


Kathleen Wilson - 1946-51


Kathleen writes: In the 65 years since I left school I have: –


    1.  studied, studied, studied and studied, part-time, giving me ‘O’s, ‘A’s (GCE), a Higher National Certificate (Chemistry), an LRIC (Licentiateship of the Royal Institute of Chemistry (Polymer Chemistry and an MSc (Polymer Science and Technology).


    2.  had two employers only in my 44 years of non-stop work: –


a. BX Plastics Ltd, although that firm changed its name many times since I was there, I worked for 1 year in the same department as Margaret Roberts – later Mrs Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister.

b. The Scientific Government Service.


    3.  travelled to many for places across the UK and round Europe, both for pleasure, but mainly for work. My work took me on visits to Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden, USA and Canada.


    4.  been a member of –


a. Colchester Women’s Hockey Club

b. Essex Women’s Hockey Association

c. Clacton Penguin’s Mixed Hockey Club

d. Territorial Army

e. Business and Professional Women (UK)


    5.             a. learnt to drive on a 3-ton truck and was proud of the endorsement on my licence – for it enabled me to drive such a vehicle under the age of 21.

                    b. been down a coal mine and hewn a piece of coal from the coal face

                    c. marched 100 miles in 4 days

                   d. taken part in military tattoos

                   e. held on RAC Rally Drivers’ Ticket

                   f. been an Advanced Motorist

                   g. owned my own car since I was 21 and for several years did all my car servicing myself

                   h. travelled in a bus which overturned in an accident.


    6.  owned my own property and personally try to maintain my professionally designed garden


    7.  never been averse to DIY projects – especially carpentry – but now use power assisted tools


    8.  no close family now, four cousins are my nearest relatives and they live in mid-Essex, Cambridgeshire and Scotland.


    9.  along the way met and made true and faithful friends, many of longstanding and I am privileged to have a God-daughter


That is my adult life in a nutshell – as for details – I have started by Memoires!!



In her letter Kathleen suggested that perhaps Old Girls who might not want to write a piece for the Newsletter could list up to 10 things they have done since leaving school (or more if they wanted to)!



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