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​News from the School


CCHSG awarded Gold Status in National Citizen Awards


We are delighted to announce that the National Citizen Service has awarded CCHSG Gold status.  This is in recognition of the fact that in 2018-19 over 50% of our Year 11 cohort participated in their summer activities.   As well as a plaque, we received a certificate from the Prime Minister.  The National Citizen Service is open to all 16 and 17 year-olds in England.  It helps young people build skills for work and life, while they take on new challenges and meet new friends.  They have a short time away from home and take part in a team project that will help their community.  The National Citizen Service is the country’s fastest-growing youth movement.   It aims to engage young people in activities which will help them to ‘succeed in new challenges, embrace new experiences and make their mark on the world.’



Partnership Working and the Alpha Trust


The Senior Leadership Team and Governors have always worked to develop close collaboration and partnerships between CCHSG and other local schools.   Since 2013 CCHSG has been the lead school in NEETSA (North East Essex Teaching School Alliance) which is an umbrella organisation of local schools providing continuing professional development for teachers and support for schools in North East Essex.  In 2017 CCHSG became lead school in the Colchester Teacher Training Consortium (CTTC).  Based on the school site, this is a partnership of over 40 primary and secondary schools and colleges delivering school based graduate teacher training.   CTTC is now training over 90 new teachers each year.   Please do not hesitate to contact CTTC if you are interested in teaching as a career see


Since 2018 CCHSG has been a Multi Academy Trust (MAT), initially working with The Gilberd School and recently joined by Manningtree High School and Home Farm Primary School.   Being part of a MAT can provide the individual schools with access to better resources and support.  Like-minded schools who share core aims and values can work very closely and constructively together.  The collaborative working of the Trust will be of enormous benefit to students, by increasing the educational opportunities offered to them, enabling the sharing of good practice across schools, offering greater opportunities for staff development and also in providing potential financial savings which can then be used to enhance educational provision.  We are currently focusing on the transition from primary to secondary school and working with local primaries to better understand the needs of our Year 7 students.  We have also brought in a number of initiatives to support access to CCHSG by students from disadvantaged backgrounds.



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