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Minutes of Annual General Meeting Saturday 28th July 2018, 11:00 am at CCHS Norman Way


Present  -  23 members (based on attendance sheet)


1. Apologies  -  Marsyl Knott, Jenny Pennick, Dianne Couch, Joan Watson, Louise Armstrong, Pat (Cole) Ablitt, Bridget (Bareham) Nelson, Beryl (Cant) Byford, Rosemary Martin, Monica Taylor


2. Minutes of last meeting (8th July 2017, CCHS)

These had previously been distributed to members, agreement to accuracy proposed by Di Childs, seconded by Deirdre Fordham and signed by the Chair, Liz White, at the meeting.


3. Matters Arising - None


4. Secretary’s Report - Jo Edwards

Don't years pass quickly as one gets older? It seems no time at all since Jean and I were telling you, at the last AGM, that we had finally managed to sort out our long standing signatory issue with the OGA bank account at Barclays.  What had initially been an irritating blip had turned into a long running saga which became more and more surreal!  I can remember, so clearly, sitting here almost crying with laughter as we reported what we had done to resolve the issue.  Resolve the issue?  How could we have been so naive?  You will remember that the problems were all about our mandate.  How difficult can it be to agree three signatories to an account?  Apparently virtually impossible!  Goodness knows how many times we sent off paperwork.  First they removed Jean as a signatory - um - NO ........!  Jean was extremely miffed.  I tried to sort it out and they removed me too!  Then they wrote to Liz and told her that they were pleased to tell her that she had been accepted as a signatory but cheques would need to be signed by one of the other signatories too.  Err - what other signatories?  It took until January this year to get it all sorted but it all came good in the end, which was a relief in more ways than one as I will now explain.


Jean arranged a number of OGA events during the year.  We had our usual garden party at Liz's home in Lexden, much enjoyed as always.  That was followed by a coffee morning at Grey Friars (who have asked me to apologise as it wasn't as well organised as usual - they have promised better service next time!).  Then we had lunch at the Siege House.  All of these events were well attended.  Unfortunately, both Jean and Liz were very unwell after Christmas so we decided to delay our Committee meeting, and decisions about the rest of the programme, until they felt better.  Having done so, it seemed sensible to advertise the 2018 programme in the Spring Newsletter, thus saving the cost of postage and telephone calls as well as a lot of time.  This was a huge mistake!  Why?  Because very few people responded.  Our next event, coffee at the St Botolph's Hotel was attended by three people and the following one, afternoon tea at Roman Circus House, was attended by seven - doggy bags kept us fed for days afterwards!  We have had something of a post mortem on the matter and have come to a number of conclusions.  We are aware of the fact that some members appear not to have received their emailed Newsletter.  Why, we have no idea.  Did it go into their Junk?  Possibly.  We are also aware that some members have changed their email addresses and have forgotten to tell us.  We have also realised that emailed Newsletters are not so likely to be read as thoroughly as paper copies.  I must admit that I am guilty of skimming an emailed version, intending to read it properly later.  Sometimes I don't return to it for a long while.  I suspect I am not alone.  We also understand that some members had difficulty opening the Newsletter on their computers.  Tina has offered to give detailed instructions next time.  However, if you do have a problem, get in touch!  There is always the option to receive a paper copy of the Newsletter as long as you remember to send us £2.50 pa to cover printing and postage costs.  In future, if we send information about events with the Newsletter, we will ensure that such information is really obvious, probably as front page news.  However, I will take this opportunity to remind you to let us know straight away if you change your contact details.


At this point, I will return, briefly, to the Barclays saga.  Once it was all sorted out, Jean and I were offered compensation by Barclays.  It was suggested that we should have lunch on them.  Nobly, we declined and asked them to pay the compensation into the OGA account.  Thank goodness we did as it really helped with the shortfall at Roman Circus House!  Mind you, I am not entirely sure that Jean would refuse a free lunch on Barclays if someone proposed a motion to that effect!  She spent hours and hours and hours trying to rectify the problems!


Our final event during the year was a return to the Bamboo House Chinese Restaurant for lunch.  This was better attended.  It is incredibly good value as one doesn't need to eat again for days afterwards!  We must thank Jean, Liz and Di, and of course, Liz's long suffering husband, Alan, for all their efforts with events this year.


Those at the AGM this year will have noted just how much building work is being done - yet again.  The complex is going to be vast by the time this tranche is finished and there is more to come.  The school is aiming for 1250 students within a few years.  We have been contacted both by the school and by the Chair of the PTA, Agness O'Brien as the school is in major fundraising mode again.  There seems to be a vague suggestion that a new alumnae organisation should be formed, too.  I think we have been here before!  I wrote to the school and explained that, a few years ago, we totally changed the way that we functioned to accommodate their request that all leaving girls should be members.  We did everything in our power to help but the school failed to give us contact details for leaving girls so the idea didn't work.  I also explained that aggressive fundraising appeals to Old Girls had not gone down well and some bridge building is needed.  I hope that they will provide an article for our next Newsletter, explaining what they are doing and what funds they require.  Unfortunately, I do think that both the school and the PTA think that we are very much like the Grammar School's Old Colcestrians.  Would that we were!  I had a reunion for my Year Group a few months ago, here, at the school.  I did an enormous amount of research, found most of my contemporaries but was shocked to discover that many of them would not return to the school at all and some wanted nothing to do with a reunion wherever it was held.  I had not realised just how many of my year group were desperately unhappy at the school.  The event was carthartic to say the least as I heard the sentence 'I thought it was only me!' so many times that day. The trouble is that it was not just my year.  Many year groups a lot younger that mine feel the same.  I don't think the school are going to get large donations from such traumatised Old Girls, more's the pity!


I know you are going to ask about the Head Teachers' board.  We have taken advice about what should go on to the board and have agreed that a simple Miss J Hasler and dates is best, no letters after the names.  This is simpler, cheaper and far less susceptible to mistakes.  So why haven't we got the board?  Because I am still waiting for information from the school about some dates of later Head Teachers.  Also, there is no suitable site for the board at the moment, whilst building work is going on.  I am beginning to wish we had never suggested the thing!


Liz went to the leaving girls' final assembly where she presented the School Leaving Award to Harriet Clark.  We were very pleased to get a very prompt 'thank you letter'.  Incidentally, please remind me to pass around a collection basket for any donations to the School Leaving Award Fund that you would like to make.  There is money in the Fund but, unless it is regularly topped up, it won't last very long.


Liz, despite a difficult and very busy year, has produced two excellent Newsletters.  As usual, I know that she will expect me to put out a plea for copy - memories, news, old photos etc.  Please help her!


We have, unfortunately, lost several Old Girls this year.  One we must mention by name.  Una Daldry.  Una served on the OGA Committee for some years.  The Association was represented at her funeral.


So now we must thank our Committee, Liz, our Chair, Newsletter Editor and Hostess and Caterer Extraordinaire, Jean, Treasurer, Programme Organiser and Scourge of Barclays Bank, Mary, Minute Taker (how does she do it?) and School Leaving Award Administrator, Tina, Membership Secretary and IT expert, responsible for both our website and our Facebook page and, of course, Charlotte who can't attend meetings because she lives so far away but is always there to give the views of younger Old Girls.  Committee meetings continue to be hilarious - we try very hard to remain serious and stick to agendas for Mary's sake but we fail dismally.  I thank them all for giving me so much fun and I hope you do too!   Finally, Marsyl would normally be here but we felt that the heat might be too much for her.  We hope she will join us for events later in the year and hope that you all come to them too.


Matters arising from the Secretary’s Report

Barclay’s Bank - A question was asked about how the Treasurer will manage once the Prettygate Barclay’s bank branch closes towards the end of the year.  Jean explained that she was unhappy that the branch would be closing and offered to write to Barclay’s to object on behalf of the CCHS Old Girls/Alumnae Association, but did not feel that it would affect the result.  She plans to open an on-line account and to pay cash etc. in to Prettygate Post Office instead.  Those present were mainly concerned about the additional inconvenience to Jean, and our thanks were expressed to her.


Obituaries - Eileen Warner advised that Una Daldry’s daughter, Alison, has agreed to write a piece about Una for the next newsletter. This will be forwarded to Liz in time for the next publication.  Joan Gurney reminded the meeting that Beth Chatto, who had sadly died earlier this year, had also attended Greyfriars. She asked the members to consider contributing towards a suitable memorial for her, either at the School or at Grey Friars.  Those present thought this was an excellent idea, with the most suitable location being Grey Friars, given that Beth had not attended the Norman Way school.  Jo agreed to discuss this further with Grey Friars.  Jean wondered if Beth Chatto’s garden centre would be willing to contribute as well, as such a memorial might prompt Grey Friars’ visitors to visit the garden centre too.  Jo will write something for the newsletter in case any members would like to make a specific donation to a memorial once details have been agreed.  Joan will be providing an obituary for Beth in time for the next newsletter.


Newsletters - Jean reminded members that those who are over 80 years of age can receive a free paper copy of the newsletters.  However, members must specifically request this from the Committee as it will not happen automatically.  Last date for submission of material for the next newsletter: 30th September 2018.


School Leaving Award – The citation for this year’s award to Harriet Clark reads as follows:  ‘The award goes to Harriet Clark.  Her positive attitude and dedication to the school has shone through as she has undertaken many different responsibilities as part of the Head Girl team.  Harriet has also contributed to many other aspects of school life including being part of several school productions.  Harriet has also served as editor of The Kilt for the last year, managing a team of Year 13 students to put together each edition. Under her editorship, the newspaper has gone from strength to strength, with more students involved than ever before.  She has been hardworking, reliable and totally committed to her role.  Additionally, in the autumn term she led a series of assemblies and a presentation to the governing body about extra-curricular opportunities available to students in English and Drama.’  Harriet’s card of thanks to the OGA reads: ‘Thank you very much for my award – it was incredibly generous, and I am extremely grateful!  I have had a wonderful seven years at Colchester County High School, and have always tried to get involved with so many fantastic opportunities, so being presented with the Old Girls’ Award was truly the icing on the cake!’


Mary advised that the School Leaving Award fund total as of 8/11/17 stands at £1,077.02.  This does not

include the payment of this year’s award to Harriet, or the collection taken today (see end).  The next statement is due from the bank in August 2018.


5. Treasurer’s Report - Jean Johnson

I’m quite relieved that the balances in our accounts have not changed a great deal during the year, in spite of the Association having a few problems with some of the events I have tried to organise.  Jo has already said how the newsletter circulation had problems this year and unfortunately this impacted on the earlier events I had organised.  The accounts are a little difficult to analyse because as you will see some of our more regular events have to appear twice.  Using the AGM as an example, the accounts show the balance of money collected for the AGM 2017 and the other entry shows money paid in advance for the AGM 2018. Therefore I have to go back to last year’s accounts to see that £48 was paid in advance for the AGM 2017, which when added to the £104.00 shown in this year’s accounts makes a total of £152.00.  This gave us a profit of £43.00.


Using the same formula, Grey Friars made a profit of £12.  I think they undercharged us because the Manager realised that they had not provided a very good service.  At the Siege House we managed to make a loss of £10 which is a little odd.  I can only conclude that someone paid £10 to make up our receipt balance, but it didn’t go through the books.  At the end it was a bit of a fiasco.  Some members changed their minds about how many courses they could consume so they had to pay for an extra and you may remember I was stopping people at the door to interrogate them.  I hope the lunch at the Green Room will be faster service with no such problems.  The three of us who had a very good coffee and cake at the St Botolph’s Hotel and Restaurant paid our own bills. Bliss for the Treasurer.  Roman Circus House, as Jo has already mentioned, was a disaster.  They wanted numbers well in advance and due to the fact some members hadn’t been able to access their newsletter and didn’t reply, we had to estimate the numbers.  We lost £32.50 at this event.  Thank goodness for the Barclay’s bank compensation.  Fortunately the Chinese meal account was straightforward and we paid exactly what we had collected.  We had two sets of newsletters printed during the year and felt that he cost of £71 was very acceptable.  Our insurance bill remains low at £120.20. Postage was also low because we had stockpiled stamps.


At present we have £3879.88 in the Barclays Business Saver account and £527.71 in the Community account.  This latter current account includes money deposited in advance for forthcoming events.


Matters arising from the Treasurer’s Report - None


6. Website

Tina explained how to access the newsletter directly from her email notification by simply clicking on the web address included in the email.  From this page, it is possible to print your own paper copy if required. She also told us how the separate articles making up the newsletter could be individually accessed straight from the front page with just a click, for example: events; obituaries; past newsletters etc.  She asked that anyone still experiencing problems accessing the newsletter or website contact her so that she can assist.


If you have lost the newsletter link for any reason, the web address of the new website can be pasted into your search engine of choice:  or, why not set it up as one of your ‘favourites’?


7. Request from the School

The Committee have been contacted by the School with respect to their current funding initiative, buying a personalised brick, to be laid permanently in the School grounds.  A representative from the School was expected to attend the AGM but was unable to attend.  Jo Edwards will write an explanatory piece about the personalised brick scheme for the newsletter with details provided, and any members wishing to purchase a brick are encouraged to contact the School directly.


8. Motions - None


9. Election of Officers

The existing officers confirmed that they were willing to stand again next year.  Liz White asked if there were any new nominations or volunteers: none were offered at the meeting.  The committee were re-instated en bloc, proposed by Di Childs, seconded by Joan Gurney as follows:


President - Marsyl Knott; Chair - Elizabeth White; Secretary - Josephine Edwards; Treasurer - Jean Johnson; Committee members: Tina Powell (Website and Information Technology); Mary Rickard (Minutes and School Leaving Scholarship Fund); Charlotte Anderson (Remote member!)


Additional volunteers, especially younger members, will still be welcome.  Please contact any existing Committee member if you are interested in joining the committee.


10. Any Other Business  -  None


A collection for the School Leaving Scholarship Fund was taken during the meeting.  A total of £55 was received: this figure will appear in next year’s School Leaving Fund bank statement.


11. Date of Next Meeting

To be decided and confirmed.  All present agreed that a July date would be acceptable. 


There then followed a delicious lunch and our thanks go to Liz White and Di Childs for all their hard work in preparing this, especially given Liz White’s incapacity on the day (broken wrist)!


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