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Margaret Bennett (Burcham 1941-48)


I still have my hat badge and two Dr Barnardo’s badges from my days at CCHS. I have no-one here to pass them on to, so is there anyone who would like to have them? I may still have my blazer badge somewhere among the accumulation of 70 odd years! I enjoy reading the newsletter, although so many of the people mentioned are now gone. At my age memories are very previous things especially now my husband’s health has deteriorated so much he is in a residential home for the elderly. Life can sometimes be very lonely.



Win Greenfield 1940-45


I started at CCHS in September 1940 but I only had two days at school before we were evacuated. The school went to a town in the Midlands but as my sister had very bad eyesight my parents decided we should not be separated and we went to my aunt’s in Banbury, Oxfordshire. A friend who lived in Stanway or Copford at the time told me that the pupils who lived there were not evacuated and went to school in Coggeshall but for only half a day. Some of the CCHS staff went with them. The school took a lot of girls from schools nearer the coast because of invasion fears and presumably they went to the Midlands as well.


We came back in November 1940 and I went back to Grey Friars but again only for half a day. We were in the lovely room with the bow window overlooking the gardens. We even had a coal fire in the room for cold weather! We had underground concrete shelters in the garden below the steps. Because of the war we had some sixth formers at Grey Friars and some at North Hill (where the Sixth Form College is now) and the Lower 4th also had lessons there. We used to walk up High Street every day and despite being forbidden to eat whilst in uniform I can remember going into Marks and Spencer to get sandwiches to eat on the way!


The cloakroom was just inside the front door to the left and the dining room was on the other side behind Miss King’s Room. We went into school via a doorway further down, near Roman Road. I cannot remember being allowed to go up the lovely staircase in the morning but we used these stairs when we left. I have checked with two friends who were at Grey Friars with me but they do not agree and say that the front stairs were used morning and night. (Perhaps someone will remember!)


The school was very gloomy as all the floor, walls, doors, skirting boards, were stained a mahogany colour but I am sure that most of us did not appreciate the lovely building we received our education in. I am so pleased that it has been beautifully restored and renovated.



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