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News From the School - with thanks to Kate Stubbs

Real Tennis at Prested Hall


CCHS students on the Duke of Edinburgh programme enjoyed Real Tennis sessions at Prested Hall which offered them the required challenge of learning new skills.  It was made more memorable when Prince Edward, a keen Real Tennis player, met the students and demonstrated his own tennis skills.  CCHS hopes to continue its involvement with the promotion of Real Tennis throughout the year.



CCHS Top National Position, in 2018 GCSE Results


Students performed the best nationally in 2018 sharing this top slot with Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet. Figures are based on the percentage of pupils achieving five or more A*to C or 9-4 grades, combined with the Department of Education’s Progress 8 measure.  This calculation is made by the progress a student makes and if it is as expected, the school’s Progress 8 score is 0.0.   A score of 0.5 means pupils made, on average, half a grade more progress than expected across their subjects.  CCHS has a Progress 8 score of 1.22, which is particularly pleasing as students already work to a high level. 



Eco Schools Update


CCHS is a Silver Eco-School which was awarded after the auditing of the school’s environment, energy use and waste management.  Students run awareness campaigns and promote the positive aspects already done by the school and student surveys show that this helps their understanding of environmental issues.  The Student Eco Group is currently focusing on energy use, waste and biodiversity, carrying out visual inspections of the school grounds and identifying areas ideal for habitat and species conservation including ponds, hedgerows, wildflower areas and wooded areas.  With donations from parents, the PTFA and Perrywood Nursery at Tiptree the group have invested and improved areas of biodiversity.  New birdfeeders and “bug hotels” have been installed, spring bulbs planted and a wildflower area prepared.



Wicked Trip


GCSE Music and Drama students from Years 9,10 & 11 seized the chance to experience a live West End

show earlier in October last year to see the musical theatre production of ‘Wicked’ at the Apollo Victoria in London. As one of the longest running shows in the West End, with amazing musical numbers (such as Defying Gravity) and a thrilling plot, students were captivated throughout. Students were also in awe of the talents on stage and impressed by elements of the production, sound and lighting. In particular, GCSE Music students enjoyed the opportunity to experience one of their set work study pieces live on stage with many able to explore the band pit set-up during the interval. Students were inspired by the performance, with many looking forward to taking to the stage themselves in their production of ‘Fiddler on the Roof’ early in 2019.


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