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We have had several events during this year, but unfortunately some of them have been very poorly attended.   We decided that we would add the list of events, with their reply slips, to the last newsletter and this proved to be unsatisfactory.  Some members had problems opening the newsletter and others did not receive it.  Steps have been taken to rectify this, so it may well be that events will appear in the newsletter again, but with reminder on the front to ask members to make a note of the dates when they occur.


Our first event - Morning Coffee at St Botolph’s Hotel and Restaurant - resulted in three of us having a very good coffee and cake, whilst waiting for other people to turn up !   The second event - Afternoon Tea at Roman Circus House - had more members, but not even double figures !


The usual people came to the Chinese Lunch at Bamboo House in May and we all enjoyed our meal.  Our thanks to Liz for catering so effectively at the AGM, in July.   As in previous years the Garden Party in Liz’s garden in August proved the most popular event, with more than 30 people attending.  Thank you again, Liz, for the fantastic catering and the use of your garden.  It had rained on the morning of the Garden Party, but as usual, the sun came out, for a lovely afternoon.















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Many members attended Grey Friars in September for a Coffee Morning (right), and during that time I gave out the menu for our next event.  This is Lunch at the Green Room, North Hill, Colchester, which will take place on Monday, 29th October.  (Numbers are required for this event by 19th October.)


If you would like to attend this event please contact:


Jean Johnson, at 10 Landseer Rd, COLCHESTER, CO3 4QR.

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